Occupational Health Monitoring
What is it and do I need it at my workplace?
Monitor the health of your team. Health monitoring ensures exposure to workplace health hazards are not damaging the health of your team while keeping an eye on the effectiveness of the preventative systems you have in place.
We utilise the NZ Predict Health IT System for results and reporting.
It is now a requirement under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and Health and Safety at Work (General Risk and Workplace Management) Regulations 2016 and as part of your duty of care as a PCBU – to monitor worker health as far as is reasonably practicable if exposure to a health risk warrants it.
Register here for your wellness check up:
Our services include:

Hearing test
The hearing test helps determine if there is any noise induced hearing loss due to exposure to machinery or equipment noise as part of the work environment.

Vision screening
Many eye diseases have no symptoms in their early stages. Vision testing enables us to track any changes in sight due to using computers or frequent close up detail as part of work.

Blood test
Blood tests or biological exposure monitoring tests for harmful substances or their by-products. Substances like sprays or paint that can be absorbed through the skin or from inhaling droplets.

Wellness checks
Wellness checks such as blood pressure and glucose tests help ensure workers are physically able to perform the tasks that are assigned to them. While wellness training helps workers maintain physical and mental wellbeing.

Lung function tests
This checks the exposure from workplace hazards on lungs. The test can identify certain types of lung disease, such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema. Testing is especially important for people suffering shortness of breath.

Drug test
It is important that workers are mentally fit in order to perform their duties. Pre-employment, random and post incident drug testing allows us to monitor this. Testing can be offered as a one off or on an ongoing basis.
To cut a long story short...
Help to keep your people in good physical health, so they can perform the tasks they are employed to do.